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Riga Strip Clubs, Massage Parlours and Brothels
There might be no specific red light district in the city of Riga, but tourists looking for a wild night can still find pleasure in this city. The Old Town transforms into a fun adult entertainment venue after 10 PM, offering a variety of bars and clubs. The town is a top destination for sex tourists, with hostels, massage parlours, and hostess bars surrounding the area.
While brothels are illegal, strip clubs are abundant. Villa Dreams is one popular establishment, offering sensual performances from sexy Latvian women. There is also the Candy Shop Strip Club, perfect for witnessing striptease shows and meeting hot girls. You can watch pole dancing at Jockey Club or order a private dance at Riga Stag Hotel.
The Old Town, despite the abundance of clubs and bars, can also be a great place to relax. You can enjoy the art galleries and museums, as well as the top restaurants in the capital, perfect for dinner dating with a charming female companion.