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Limassol Escort Service
Limassol is one of the most underrated cities in Cyprus. Although it is bordered on its eastern side by a horde of bland-looking developments, the city centre is full of character, especially for those looking for first-rate adult entertainment venues and events. Prostitution is legal but the finest courtesans in the industry work for Limassol escort agencies. The girls used to be predominantly locals but over time there has been an influx of women from various countries in Asia, Latin America, Europe, and in the Arab world. Prospective clients are now spoilt for choice and it’s quite easy to get in touch with the ladies because all you need to do is go online and look for a high-class Limassol escort service. Browse through the stunning profiles and simply pick the girl of your dreams. You can choose to hook up at a bar or have the escort hang out with you in your hotel so you can share some private and intimate moments together.