contains content of adult nature and is only available to adults. If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries), if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction or it offends you, please do not continue. You do have not have register to use the website, however you must read and agree our Terms & Conditions to use the website.
Phnom Penh Strip Clubs, Massage Parlours and Brothels
In Phnom Penh you will find the redlight district in the Svay Pak area. Here you will find strip clubs for striptease live shows, lapdance or another kind of adult entertainment. If you like to combine your night in town with wellness you might consider visiting a massage parlour for a Thai massage or a Nana Nuat massage. Sometimes the massage parlours also offer a sauna. If you are visiting for a stag party, please first contact the venue to see if you are welcome.