contains content of adult nature and is only available to adults. If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 in some countries), if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction or it offends you, please do not continue. You do have not have register to use the website, however you must read and agree our Terms & Conditions to use the website.
Lucerne Strip Clubs, Massage Parlours and Brothels
For most gentlemen, Lucerne offers something different, an adult entertainment industry comparable to those in other major European cities. And while there is no official red light district in Lucerne, prostitution is legal and all the typical adult venues are present including brothels, strip clubs, sex shops, and erotic massage parlours. There are also specialized establishments like Kontaktbars and Laufhauses where sex workers offer their services. Then, of course, there are escort services that feature some of the most beautiful women in Russia and Eastern Europe. The girls are quite flexible to the needs of their clients. They can deliver a full service if you feel the need to get laid. However, if you just want a lovely companion then you can hire an escort for dinner dating or some other less carnal pursuits. It’s all up to you, but one thing is for sure. You will have a great time in this truly remarkable city.