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Lucy massage girl
Shanghai Escort (Independent)- Overview
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Show phone numberI am Lucy, a mature and beautiful 100% independent Chinese woman. I have very soft, creamy skin and a cuddly, warm personality to match. With a natural and fit 34b-24-34 figure I enjoy being a real GFF to distinguished gentlemen. Whether you seek a relaxing evening with a glass of wine and conversation, or an exciting mid-day rendezvous I will provide you with my complete attention.
I will give you the perfect massage. Our time is unhurried and preferred for the kind gentleman seeking an erotic and romantic confidant. I take good care of my health and body, and my face is beautiful. I am passionate about life and it is my nature to get pleasure from my work. I am playful or serious and have an appreciation of a good sense of humour.
My dreams are yet to be achieved. This work is rewarding for me, because I enjoy the happiness I can give to those I touch and I have met many interesting people who have taught me so much. I look forward to meet you me at:(86)13522487542 WeChat:escortgirl666 , my whatsApp 13718436533