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Quito Strip Clubs, Massage Parlours and Brothels
The city that houses “la mitad del mundo” is the capital city of Ecuador. People from across the globe travel to this capital because of its well-preserved historic centre, making it a UNESCO World Heritage site. But not just that, gentlemen also look forward to the different adult entertainment options offered on this place. Although there is no official zone del tolerance or red light district in Quito, you can check out Calle Foch y Reina Victoria Esquina. You can also spot sexy street girls in some places like an area in Gringolandia, Plaza Santo Domingo, and Avenida Ambato. There are also strip clubs, brothels, and massage parlours where you can meet a potential courtesan. Adult cinemas that are worth visiting are the Hollywood and the America. If you are lucky, you can take an escort to dinner dating and score an intimate moment with her right in your hotel room.